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We have highly trained staff to provide the care that you need through a variety of programs.
We have highly trained staff to provide the care that you need through a variety of programs.

Staff to Serve You

Daily Care Team

Paula L. Ross-Kearney, CNA, MTC - Director. Ms. Ross-Kearney is responsible for providing daily management and oversight to all locations, hire, train and manage all staff, provide healthy living recommendations, and oversee meal preparation and delivery to each site daily. Ms. Ross-Kearney is a Certified Nursing Assistant and has experience working in that capacity in various types of environments with individuals requiring different levels of care. She has been responsible for developing plans of care and has worked directly with and collaborated hospital management, surgeons, physicians and other involved in patient care to advocate for patients’ wellbeing. She is compassionate and driven to provide clients and families with the kindness and consideration she would want for and provide to her own family.

LICENSES/CERTIFICATIONS/EDUCATION: Assisted Living Certified, Certified Nursing Assistant, CPR & First Aid Certified, Medication Technician Certified, and Food Handing Certification. Licensed Real Estate Broker.

Bruce E. Ross, MBA, MTC - Assistant Director. Mr. Ross will be responsible for identifying and acquiring locations, and bringing locations up to company standards. He will serve as back-up to Ms. Ross-Kearney concerning medication assistance.

LICENSES/CERTIFICATIONS/EDUCATION: Assisted Living Certified, CPR & First Aid, Medication Technician Certified. Master of Science, Computer Systems Management. Bachelor of Science, Information Systems.  Licensed Realtor in the State of Maryland.


Darryl L. Kearney, MBA, MTC - Administrative Manager. Mr. Kearney will be responsible for providing administrative support for all facility requirements. He will also lead the marketing effort to attract and retain clients for the facility.

LICENSES/CERTIFICATIONS/ EDUCATION: Medication Technician, MBA, Marketing/Finance.


Nursing Services

Jada Pope, RN, MSN, DN, Delegated Nurse. Ms. Pope will perform nursing functions such as medication administration and instruct medication technicians (MT).


Niya Ross – Registered Nurse. Ms. Ross will provide and coordinate patient care, educate patients and their family members about various health conditions, and provide advice and emotional support.


Specialist Services

Nandi Ross – Physical Therapy Technician. Ms. Ross will help with the physical rehabilitation of residents recovering from illness or injury and promote physical activity and wellness in general. 


A massage therapist will also be on staff and will provide massage therapy to all residents on a monthly basis and as needed.

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